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  • AlexBischoff

Music that Inspires my Books

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

So, one of the things I have found useful to get inspiration while writing my novels is songs. Sometimes this is for themes or for character's emotional states. I may have a whole mental music video or credits sequence that plays to these songs in relation to my characters. To be fair, the whole book plays as a movie in my mind. Really, my first novel was inspired by a song so why shouldn't they all be? So here is a list of songs that played a role in my stories. Jet: Paul McCartney - Jet No surprise there, is it? I found the song interesting when it would come on the radio and wanted to know what the story or meaning behind it was. So I looked it up. I was so irritated that there was none I decided to make my own. It is painfully faithful to getting a representation of every line in there. So the whole book is basically a 300 page protest.

Budapest: George Ezra - Jet

The story of a bored young man willing to give up his substantial wealth for a woman who his family doesn't approve of may be rather on the nose, but I can't deny it was helpful when I needed to get into Jet's head.

Where the Streets Have No Name: U2 - Blood and Fire Every time I hear this I see the credits of the movie in my mind. I'd just love to pan away from Worthing and start the music in the incongruent way that a modern song mixes with a period piece. It strikes me as Lt. Smith's song, as there is something in it that conjures the feeling of a world-weary man's vision of heaven to it.

Uma Thurman: Fallout Boy - The Blood of the Lamb

City Lights: Blanche - The Kingdom of Munster

I can always feel the winter in Munster and Mina walking through the lamplit city with the snow falling around her. I feel it captures both her growing detachment with the normal world and growing attachment to Roger. There's an alienation in this love song that reflects her loneliness.

I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore: REO Speedwagon - The Kingdom of Munster

This is Roger's song, no doubt, as he struggles with his feelings for Mina. Really, do I need to say more?

What About Us?: Pink - Homestead

I see a full music video of the Homestead riots, the marches, the men like O'Donnell and McLuckie, the people, the women and children. And I see Frick, the one they trusted who betrayed that trust and "sold them up the river too far."

Some Nights: Fun - Homestead

For some reason this song, and more the video evokes Nicholas's revolutionary spirit to me. Jaded, tired, only energized by the fight he's fighting.

Shadows of the Night: Pat Benatar - The Rag Quilt

It really inspires the idea of Sam's isolation and Lydia fighting it, letting him know he is loved even if he is pushing her away. Plus there is that whole daring night rescue. But I've said too much...

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